The Most BRUTAL Businessman In History

The Most BRUTAL Businessman In History

Cornelius Vanderbilt has been described as an illiterate brute with a short temper, who was hated or feared by most people he met. And yet, he’s also one of the wealthiest men in history, an incredibly shrewd and cunning business magnate who was once the richest man in the world - in fact when he died, he reportedly had more money than was held in the entire U.S Treasury at the time. br br You see, before there was Rockefeller or Henry Ford, there was Cornelius Vanderbilt, whose been dubbed the original robber barron - the term for successful industrialists who amassed giant fortunes through extremely ruthless business practices. But it’s hard to deny Cornelius’ story is one of the greatest rags to riches stories there is. Cornelius’ ancestors had originally come to America as servants, so Cornelius’ rise from nothing to unimaginable wealth and power is truly fascinating... br br At the age of just 11 years old, Cornelius Vanderbilt dropped out of school and went to work on his father’s ferry in New York Harbour, which transported goods across the river. After learning the trade, Cornelius wanted to start his own business doing the same kind of thing. Which meant he needed a boat. This is where Cornelius Vanderbilt's entrepreneurial instincts would first kick in. He'd soon be running his own shipping business, and beginning his journey to building his business empire and becoming a magnate. This business documentary tells the full story of Vanderbilt's INSANE story...

User: Magnates Media

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Uploaded: 2024-07-10

Duration: 13:20

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