Upon learning his plain secretary was his true love, theCEO began a desperate chase to win her back

Upon learning his plain secretary was his true love, theCEO began a desperate chase to win her back

For years, she had worked quietly as his secretary, handling his every demand without complaint. To him, she was plain and unremarkable, blending into the background of his high-powered world. But when she resigned and walked out of his life, he finally realized the truth—she wasn’t just his secretary; she was his true love.br br Haunted by her absence and the depth of his oversight, the CEO launched a desperate pursuit to win her back. But can his wealth and charm heal the wounds of neglect and convince her to give him another chance? A story of love, regret, and the journey to redemption.

User: Fun Tale Clips

Views: 497

Uploaded: 2024-12-16

Duration: 01:08:38

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