Glamming Up So My Sister Will Finally Take Me Clubbing | TRANSFORMED

Glamming Up So My Sister Will Finally Take Me Clubbing | TRANSFORMED

SUBSCRIBE to Transformed: br BELLY, 23, from Brisbane, describes her vibrant look as 'Clownish, Cutesy and Weird!' Belly has always stood out from the crowd and has followed her artistic ways when it comes to her style - but this hasn't always been favoured by her family... Especially her sister Lilly... Belly told Transformed: "My sister does not want to be associated with me in public. When I've brought up going out in the past with my sister, she has always said that she wouldn't want to because she's scared of me getting harassed or people heckling me, which would embarrass and stress her out." Belly has always wanted to go clubbing with Lilly and tonight is no exception. Lilly told Belly: "I'm going out clubbing tonight, but if you're looking like that...You're not invited!" With this in mind, Belly has a plan to finally be able to head out with Lilly. Today, with the help of makeup artist Laura, Belly is being transformed from her 'Creepy Cute' style, to a 'Tanned Glamour Girl'.

User: Truly

Views: 6

Uploaded: 2025-01-16

Duration: 08:04

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