My Keepsake

My Keepsake

With everything happening on a political climate, with DEI rollbacks, it was important now more than ever to release this during black history month. Which also adds a few lines from the black national anthembr br Original concept created in 2022br br My Keepsake feat MoreLovebr br Produced by TheCratezHeavenly br br Chorus br Lift every voice that never sing it, Vibration as the heavens ring it givin my melanin its meanin from these years of hate. I wake up as a human dreamin, no longer as a simple being with universe reverb I say, this is my Keepsake!!!!br br Bridgebr I never loved you this much ×2 All of these years forgive me. I say, you are my Keepsake. I will believe in touch x 2 And all the history weve made I pray, you are my br IG dantejamarisfocused br TT dantejamarpirtle br YT dantepirtleisfocused br br Morelove br nicowithlovebr #getfocused#stayfocused#blackhistorymonth#spiritual#hiphop#youtube#midwest#blessings#selflove​br br This content may include copyrighted material used under the fair use doctrine pursuant to Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act. All rights to the material belong to their respective owners.

User: Dante Pirtle

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2025-02-28

Duration: 03:45

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