exclusive interwiew of PCO on INYOURHEAD.COM

exclusive interwiew of PCO on INYOURHEAD.COM

br br br PCO talked about his career with WWF, WCW and TNA. We talked about working with Vince McMahon, John Laurenitis, Jacques Rougeau, Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, Headshrinkers, Bret & Owen Hart and many others. He talked about ROH, Bryan Danielson, MMA, Brock Lensar and the infamous altercation with Kevin Nash and the recent "Montreal Screw Job 2009". We also had a surprise call in by Sid Vicious. br br For more information on Pierre please visit his Youtube account: br br br Special thanks to: br br br br br IWS br International Wrestling Syndicate br Pierre Carl Ouellet vs.

User: Pierre Carl OUELLET

Views: 7

Uploaded: 2009-06-28

Duration: 03:46

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