Discover Honduras

Discover Honduras

Honduras is located in the heart of Central America, just a 2-3 hour flight from the United States. Its diverse landscape offers a multitude of activity options for visitors, from Caribbean white sand beaches and lush rain forests to rugged mountains and calm lakes. This video showcases that diversity and includes footage from: Roatán, La Ceiba, Cayos Cochinos, Tela, Omoa, Copán Ruinas, Gracias, La Campa, Lake Yojoa, Comayagua, Tegucigalpa, Santa Lucía and Valle de Á br (This video was filmed in July and August 2009, in conjunction with the Honduras Institute of Tourism.

User: VisitHonduras

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2009-09-17

Duration: 04:01

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