"Transcending Situational Potential"

"Transcending Situational Potential"

"Transcending Situational Potential" : Professor Universe, considered purely brilliant by some, and by others, a raging quack. The professor activates his audience through " technology based interventions." He claims, " The modern day student will find all of their teachers, and find them well." He talks us through a seemingly benign series of self identity issues related to one's own perceptual personality. Short lectures are followed by fragmented art forms that seem to be symbolic, controversial, and indeed overstimulating. Professor Universe declares that the synthesis of these visual and auditory actions create an unconscious formula. THe formula itself is known to activate a new level of human awareness and creative potential.

User: Ryan Seslow

Views: 296

Uploaded: 2009-09-23

Duration: 15:03

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