Chad Smith's BM - Need Strange [Bass Cover]

Chad Smith's BM - Need Strange [Bass Cover]

Hello!br J'ai enfin put acheter l'album des Chad Smith's Bombastic Meatbats aujourd'hui, alors un petit cover s'imposait! Il s'agit de Need Strange, première piste du CD! :-)br J'ai pas mal improvisé, alors mes excuses à Kevin "Bubbles" Chown pour ne pas avoir joué toutes ses notes..!br --------------------------------------br Hello!br I finally bought the first Chad Smith's Bombastic Meatbats' album today, so a new cover had to be done! The song is called Need Strange, first track of the CD! :-)br I improvised a lot, so my appologies to Kevin "Bubbles" Chown for not having played all his notes...

User: davidsinrocks

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2009-11-25

Duration: 05:17

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