Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Plane tour. vridetv.com

Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Plane tour. vridetv.com

Amazing scenery of Whistler, British Columbia and the surrounding area from an airplane.br Vridetv recently had the opportunity to ride our motorcycle up to a Cessna 172 plane in Squamish, hop in, and film a flight with Glacier Air to Whistler, British Columbia. The passenger door of the plane was removed for filming, allowing for an unobstructed view of the incredible scenery. Some of the points of interest featured are, Stawamus Chief Provincial Park, Howe Sound, Lake Lovely Water, Tantalus Provincial Park, Black Tusk, Whistler Village, both Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains, the Barrier lava dam and Garibaldi Lake in Garibaldi Provincial Park.br br VRIDETV.com is Virtual Riding Television.br Imagine mounting a high definition camcorder to the handlebars of a motorcycle then riding across the second largest country in the world. With this point of view you will experience the sensation of riding through ten provinces of Canada, coast to coast, round trip, for a total of 18,795 kilometers. This trip may be over but the riding and filming continues............................... .........br Welcome to VIRTUAL RIDING TELEVISIONbr Videos, pictures, maps and more details available on the FREE website: ‪ New content is added on a regular basis.

User: Virtual Riding Television

Views: 4K

Uploaded: 2009-12-02

Duration: 07:37

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