Only Love

Only Love

Seeds of LOVE for the New Earth... br Video created by Vincent Thaon in autumn 2009 br After a song originally written and composed in 2003, produced and sang by Keya Kyea in 2009. br br A simple message of Love for our world. br Un simple message d'Amour pour notre monde. br br Musical director: Etienne Mbappé br Bass: Etienne MBappé br Drums: Roger Biwandu br Percussions: Patrick Feed Ferbac br Piano: Lionel Fortin br Backing vocals: Bruce Lester Johnson and Michael Robinson br Lead vocals: Keya Pralat br br Sound engineers: Bertrand Fresel at Studio Juno - France (Sept.

User: Keya-Kyea

Views: 5

Uploaded: 2009-12-24

Duration: 04:05

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