Legendary Anime Music X: Chance Pop Session - Priority

Legendary Anime Music X: Chance Pop Session - Priority

Priority is a powerful and high energy j-pop song from the hit anime series- Chance Pop Session. It's an inspirational anime about three girls (aspiring to be singers) who go to their idol's concert. Upon seeing her for the first time, the girls are inspired and join a music school where they learn all they can about the business an d what it takes to shine .br br What you're hearing now is track 2 from the soundtrack. Not to mention, the very song that the girls heard at the concert. The character who sings the song is named Reika (voiced by Kouda Mariko) . A beautiful and popular singer who grew up with nothing, but now sends her message of love to the fans with her singing. All thanks to her mentor Kisaragi Akiba, who took her in and taught her the ways of the music business and what it took to feel and become the music.

User: EternalMessiah

Views: 6

Uploaded: 2010-01-12

Duration: 03:36

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