Recording Breaking Indian Movie Packed with Comedians

By : NTDTelevision

Published On: 2010-01-17



A new comedy film in India has set an interesting record. “Understand the Feelings” has entered the Guinness Book of World Records because it has managed to pack in 50 plus 1 comedians into one film.

The film is produced and directed by comedian Sunil Pal, who also acts in the film along with a host of other comedians.

Guinness officials did a thorough check before entering the film in the coveted almanac.

[Jack Brockbank, Guinness Book of World Records]:
"First of all, each comedian had to have a speaking role and not just feature in the background. Also I've seen that they've had previous careers as professional stand-up comedians. I've spent all afternoon looking at the evidence. As I said before, I'm satisfied that it is indeed a Guinness World Records achievement."

The movie’s producer/director talks about how he wants audience members to feel when the see the film.

[Sunil Pal, Director, Producer & Director]:
"People go to the theater expecting to have good laugh and watch a clean comedy. I've tried to make a clean comedy film. The entire film will have the people in splits but nowhere have we resorted to using cheap punches or vulgarity to make the people laugh.”

The film will hit theaters on Friday.

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