Are You Programmed By The Media? Part_01

Are You Programmed By The Media? Part_01

There is a deadly agenda being pushed on the world population by elite bankers and prominent billionaires. This agenda is being propagated through your television as well as other corporate controlled media sources. The corporate owned and controlled media is used subliminally to instill fear in you. If you watch TV, you are constantly being brainwashed and programmed to accept a new world order to make things better. This agenda is very fast approaching and, although much of the world's population are on to it, there are many more people who need to wake up to it fast. It will affect you and your descendants in a very negative way for centuries. You and your loved ones will be a slave to this agenda if it is not stopped. This agenda has been planned for many generations and is in it's final stages.

User: BennyTheBear

Views: 111

Uploaded: 2010-02-02

Duration: 19:50

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