"Gobolino" -short film- 2009

"Gobolino" -short film- 2009

Using as causation the listening of a fairy tale, the movie depicts the children's primitive fear of being abandoned and rejected from their family.br br Written & Directed by: Damianos Voganatsisbr Cinematography: John Bakas, Xenophon Latinakis, Damianos Voganatsisbr Sound recordist: Pinelopi Lekaditibr Montage: Xenophon Latinakis, Damianos Voganatsisbr Music by: Eleni Liggri myspace.comeleniliggribr br Cast:br Angelos Skourtisbr Eleni Dagrebr br Audience Prize of Platforma Video9 International Film Festivalbr www.platforma.grindex.

User: Δαμιανός Βογανάτσης | Voganatsis Damianos

Views: 5

Uploaded: 2010-03-12

Duration: 04:27

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