Heartbreaker (L'Arnacoeur)

Heartbreaker (L'Arnacoeur)

Heartbreaker is an action-packed romantic comedy, led by actress-singer Vanessa Paradis (Girl on the Bridge, The Key) and art house heartthrob Romain Duris (The Beat That My Heart Skipped, Paris (COL•COA 2008), Russian Dolls). Duris is Alex, a professional Don Juan who makes a living breaking up couples with his sister Mélanie (Julie Ferrier, MicMacs). Because business is slow, they go against their principles to break up only unhappy couples and agree to work for M. Van Der Bercq. Alex has one week to stop Van Der Bercq's daughter Juliette (Vanessa Paradis) from marrying the man she is madly in love with. This questionable mission becomes hazardous for Alex, as he enters the world of the beautiful, self-assured and independent Juliette and her seemingly perfect boyfriend, Jonathan.br br COLCOA Opening Night Gala Monday April 19br North American Premierebr In French with English subtitlesbr br Directed by: Pascal Chaumeilbr Written by: Laurent Zeitoun, Jeremy Doner, Yoann Grombbr Cinematography by: Thierry Arbogastbr Editing by: Dorian Rigal-Ansousbr Music by: Klaus Badeltbr Produced by: Nicolas Duval Adassovsky, Yann Zenou, Laurent Zeitounbr Production Company: Yumé Quad Filmsbr Coproduction: Universal Pictures International Francebr br PASCAL CHAUMEIL wrote and directed his first short film in 1995, Des Hommes avec des bas, awarded Best Short at the 1996 Festival du Film Policier in Cognac. He followed with the science-fiction short Liens Sacrés (2001). Before directing Heartbreaker, his first feature, Pascal Chaumeil worked on several feature films with Luc Besson as First Assistant Director (The Professional) or Second Unit Director (The Fifth Element, The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc). He has also directed over 100 commercials and directed films for television such as Clémence (2003) and Mer belle à agitée (2006), as well as episodes for the acclaimed TV series Spiral (2005), L’État de Grâce (2006), Desperate Parents (20072008) or Duel en Ville (2008).

User: France in L.A.

Views: 34

Uploaded: 2010-03-31

Duration: 01:59

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