Berlinger VS Chevron. Crude: The Real Price of Oil

By : Vitruvius Technologos

Published On: 2010-06-06



Joe Berlinger film case vs. Chevron Crude: The Real Price of Oil as cinéma-vérité feature is the epic story of the largest and most controversial environmental lawsuits on the planet. Chevron has sued to use this footage to bolster its legal proceedings in the very same case that is the central subject of Berlinger's film. The potential ramifications of this for the journalist community, film world and society in general are both shocking and profound. Redford, founder and chairman of Sundance Institute writes :Filmmakers like Joe Berlinger fulfill a crucial role in today's society by providing independent information on pressing contemporary human rights and social issues.Their success as storytellers depends on access to those men and women willing to talk on camera. If the subjects of those documentaries are fearful of the ramifications of telling the truth then the filmmaker has no story.

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