Knowing Gets in the Way -or- Singing Little ...

By : Theresa-Ann Harvey

Published On: 2010-08-01



2010-07-28 2nd Journal - 10 Wind Mayan day ♥ TRANSCRIPT: ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: Okay, this is early, even for me to be on journal two, already - one in the morning. The energy’s flowing so strongly - maybe you can feel it from there. I sure can. Don’t know what’s happening - but it doesn’t matter at all if I know - that [knowing] might just get in the way. That’s actually the best and biggest reason we don’t know certain things - we would just bungle things, say or do the wrong thing - let mind take the bit between its teeth, and goof things up. We don’t need that nonsense. So... until we get good and established in heart space - don’t count on knowing much of anything. That’s just best, you know - if you’d get out of mind and just observe it. Mind is the one that always and forever wants to know. But then, what does it do with the knowledge? Just look around you. It appears there’s no wonderful gift that can be given to mankind that mind won’t find a way to bastardize, misuse, or flat out ruin. That’s just the way of mind - here in 3D. Be in heart, now. I know this is a bit tough to take - being told you’re not trustworthy, not yet worthy of knowing things. We’re not used to being given things straight. We like them sugar-coated, thank you - and with coffee [and lies] on the side. Well, wake up from your sugar coated daze. Let’s look things straight in the eye. We’re a mess - so’s our world. But we’re waking up. Things are changing, and fast. And we’re a part of that change. You don’t realize it, yet, but you’re helping these changes to come, my friends. Every moment spent in heart is a powerful one... in ways we just don’t yet know... Distributed by Tubemogul.

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