Vakan'ala Song ( Official Lyrics Video)

Vakan'ala Song ( Official Lyrics Video)

Vakan'Ala se fixe comme objectif d'éradiquer et d’inverser le triste phénomène qui menace la richesse naturelle malgache d’une inhérente disparition. Afin que l’île rouge qu’est Madagascar redevienne une île br This song is yet another pearl attached to our cause, one that we believe is crucial in order to convey our worries, our stories and our messages since not only do we hope you enjoy such a beautiful work of art but also that you find within yourselves the need and desire in joining our cause through volunteering, donations and many more br ACT NOW: br Compositrice, interprète:Jenny Raharivolabr Auteur: Fanja Andriamanantenabr Arrangeur: Silo Andrianandrainabr Speech: Michaella A'solobr Production: ONG VAKANALAbr br Pour plus d'informations concernant notre cause et vocation, visitez le site : br Rejoignez notre mouvement !!! on Facebook bit.

User: ratoza

Views: 35

Uploaded: 2010-09-18

Duration: 04:04

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