Sonic n' Shadow as LIL JOHN: FullEpisode

Sonic n' Shadow as LIL JOHN: FullEpisode

Sonic and Shadow are lil john! Watch them talk on the phone together, asking each other personal questions. Vocals are from the chapelle show... scenes from Sonic X... xD;; br br br copyright here: br Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica © and ™ 1991 - 2006 (e.g. presnt) SEGA, Sonic Team. Sonic X is, respectivly, produced and animated by SONIC TEAM, TMS, 4Kids Entertainment and Jetix. Sonic X © 2003-2006 Project SONIC. No copyright infrigment intended.

User: rouge11

Views: 13

Uploaded: 2006-09-30

Duration: 02:21

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