Double Bass Lesson - Walking Bass Line - Jazz bass lesson

Double Bass Lesson - Walking Bass Line - Jazz bass lesson

Taken from br br Constructing Walking Jazz Bass Lines Book I br Walking Bass Lines - The Blues in 12 keys br br Video Ibr br The following video is provided to assist the bassist to familiarize themselves with some of the rhythmic phrases used in the jazz walking bass The Example is a walking blues medium tempo in the Key of G and is taken from Part 2 of Constructing Walking Jazz Bass Lines Book I - The Blues in 12 br Listen to the track and follow the sheet music, this will enable the bassist to accelerate the learning curve and incorporate the jazz rhythmic language into their It is also an excellent way to transfer the knowledge of bass tab to the task of learning to read music which can open many doors for the professional musician. br br Enjoy the br More updates to br Http:constructingwalkingjazzbasslines.

User: jazzbasslines12keys

Views: 26

Uploaded: 2011-03-18

Duration: 04:56

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