Dental Veneers vs. Lumineers by Sarkis Aznavour, Cosmetic Dentist Newhall, CA

By : newhallca_dentist

Published On: 2011-05-23


In this video Dr. Sarkis Aznavour, cosmetic dentist Newhall, CA discusses the differences between dental veneers and lumineers. When it comes to dental veneers, going back is not an option. Before veneers are applied to your teeth, a cosmetic dentist removes a significant amount of tooth enamel. This allows for improved adhesion between your teeth and the veneers. However, this also keeps you from getting rid of the veneers in the future. Lumineers, on the other hand, require either very little to no removal of tooth enamel. If we have put lumineers and dental veneers in a challenge, Lumineers win due to its convenient way of completion. To obtain further information please visit your local dentist. Cosmetic dental procedures can be done at Healthy Smiles Dental of Newhall, CA. For more videos visit

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