Jacques Brel La Baleine The Whale French & English Subtitles

Jacques Brel La Baleine The Whale French & English Subtitles

From the ultra-rare, unreleased, outside of commerce 1965 LP "Jacques Brel Chante La Belgique" comes the first of three tall tales by another "J.B." than Jacques Brel, "Jean de Bruges." The three tales form a "Poème Symphonique" with music composed by François Rauber. The first tale is at once a creation myth about how the Red Sea got its name, and an adventure tale of a courageous seaman facing the world's biggest whale. Jean de Bruges is a regular at this bar-- buy him a beer and he'll tell you his story. Female voice is Janine de Waleyne. If you see a copy of this LP, grab it. It's worth thousands of dollars to collectors.

User: Thelma Blitz

Views: 46

Uploaded: 2011-09-27

Duration: 04:37

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