Hamas - ses chefs fanatiques

Hamas - ses chefs fanatiques

Three leaders from Hamas. br br Attala Abu al-Sabah br PA Minister of Culture br We will never recognize Israel! br and if our people who have placed its trust in us that we will indeed pursue our plan. So, despite that little dog, Bush, we will never let br our people down.Let our people know that we will never recognize Israel,and will never bargain. br br br Nasr Abed al-Rahman br Hamas br We will never recognize Israel! br Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is ours, as well as Haifa, Beit Shean,Tiberias, Ashkelon, Ramla, Gaza and all of Palestine. br br br Dr. Ahmad Yusuf br Political adviser to Ismail Hania br Time is on the side of the Palestinian people, and Israel as a state, Inshallah, will be wiped off the map.

User: Avraham Stern

Views: 5K

Uploaded: 2006-11-08

Duration: 00:48

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