Patti Cakes - Cannibal

Patti Cakes - Cannibal

So we ended up shooting 3 songs with 3 cameras, each of the songs with two different settings and a third part where TaraPatti [I prefer her real name, Tara, such a cool name] would do random stuff that could add some quirky fun We tried to use the bar and the velvet drapes of the Third and Social to create a different vibe for each of the three songs and try to avoid the unavoidable: without real planning and in the same location, the videos would look somewhat At the end we also recorded Cannibal again with the microphones closer for an even better sound quality. And we shot it again, but in a very simple br So on the technical side we had just one light and a reflector, we recorded the song with a proper mic [can't remember the brand], a radio mic and the Zoom We had the 60D, 550D and the GH2 with a wide variety of lenses [including some super weird and cool CCTV C mount lenses for the GH2, giving a cool soft look on the edges and sharp center].br br Song written & performed by Patti Cakes [aka Tara Benedict] facebook.

User: Nicolas Nicolas Plaire

Views: 48

Uploaded: 2011-11-09

Duration: 02:13

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