Hubblecast 60: Galaxy scores a bullseye

Hubblecast 60: Galaxy scores a bullseye

Episode 60 of the Hubblecast explores NGC 922, a galaxy that has been hit square-on by another. Ripples of star-formation are still propagating out across thousands of light-years of space over 300 million years after the collision, making it a prime example of what astronomers call a collisional ring br More information and download-options:br br Credit:br ESAHubblebr Visual design and editing: Martin Kornmesserbr Web and technical support: Mathias Andre and Raquel Yumi Shidabr Written by: Oli Usherbr Narrator: Sara Mendes da Costabr Images: NASA, ESA, Chandra X-ray Observatory, Digitized Sky Survey 2br Visualisations and animations: B. Conn (MPIA), R. Smith (University of Concepción), R. Taylor (Arecibo Observatory); M.

User: Hubble Space Telescope

Views: 3

Uploaded: 2012-12-06

Duration: 04:21

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