Book Bound with Michelle Prince on Monetize Your Mind

By : Patrick Dougher

Published On: 2013-10-29



For anyone who has ever thought they had a book in them, but didn’t know how to go about it, they need to listen to this video on The Business Spotlight segment of Monetize Your Mind. in this segment, Michelle Prince speaks with Bob Bare and Patrick Dougher of DoerTV about helping people to develop the book within them, and how to go about publishing and marketing it, through her Book Bound Program.

The Book Bound Program mentors budding authors by showing how Michelle become a successful published author, by showing them how to organize their thoughts, putting them down on paper, and then publishing and marketing their book for success.

For one weekend Michelle mentors people through her “Book Bound Program.” The two-day workshop is designed to begin with the process of “What is my story?” and works with the clients on how to figure out what their story is and how to go about telling it. They outline the story, work on different options to present it, then most importantly, they show how to proceed with marketing the book after completion.

After you have been through the Book Bound Program you’re going to know what your story is and how you can help other people; You’re going to know exactly how to put it together so that you can get it in front of as many people as possible; and you’re going to figure out a way to monetize your investment.

To learn more about Book Bound, go to and see what they’re bringing to the table. You can reach Michelle Prince through the website, or by contacting Patrick Dougher at, or emailing him at – 682-233-0433.

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