Teeth Facts

By : Newalbanyimplants Web

Published On: 2014-05-29



Over half (51%) of patients who seek cosmetic dentistry are between 41 and 60 years of age. Did you know that babies begin to develop their primary teeth while still in the womb -- as soon as six weeks after conception? Odontophobia, or fear of the dentist, is classified as a phobia in the Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Veneers are thin shells, usually made of porcelain, that are laid onto the teeth and bonded to the surface. Most tooth loss in people under 35 years of age is caused by athletic trauma, fights or accidents.
This infographic has been brought to you by Dr. Ronald Receveur. He offers you the latest techniques in Dental Implants, IV Sedation and Cosmetic Dentistry to give you treatment options no matter how complex or broken down the condition of your mouth.

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