14 Weirdest Things Found in Animals!

By : Pemalahuhi

Published On: 2017-10-05



Blue Sharks are known to feed primarily on small fish and squids, however, it turns out that these predators may also enjoy dining on some of the finer things in life as well\r
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4 - Money \r
Tiger sharks are sometimes referred to as garbage eaters, because these solitary nocturnal hunters will eat pretty much anything it comes into cont with. Along the Florida coastline, a Tiger Shark was captured and inside its belly, was a bag full of money. The bag was half digested, so no one knows how much money was ually eaten or where the bag of cash came from, but the principle theory, is the shark robbed an underwater bank. In another twisted turn of monetary events, a wallet was discovered inside the rotting remains of a Florida Coast Tiger Shark, the cards and coins survived the stomach acids, but the cash was mysteriously missing. Could these two criminal mastermind tiger sharks be in a cahoots? \r
3 - 16th Century Medallion\r
In new, a woman living in Malaysia went to the local market to buy some fish for dinner. The housewife purchased two sharks and went home to whip up dinner for her husband. While filleting the meat, the woman spotted a strange object inside the stomach lining of one of the sharks. The artef turned out to be a medallion believed to have been worn by Portuguese soldiers for protection during the 16th century. The medallion features a womans head in the profile position, wearing a crown and encircled with a halo. Local historians believe the woman featured on the medallion may be Queen Elizabeth, the inscription was nearly illegible except for the letters, ANTONII. How could this ancient artef have ended up as shark food? For, If the shark ate the soldier wearing the medallion, where were those bones? \r
2 - Rubber Duckies \r
A mother in Florida couldnt figure out what her 3-year-old son was doing with all of his bath toys. Rubber ducks would go missing like clockwork, at one point even a toy truck disappeared from the tub after bath time. What could the toddler be doing with all of his toys? And where was he storing them? The next night as she settled the young child into the tub, her dog named Woof appeared to play. Woof, snuck up fast along the side of the tub, and in one quick snatching motion, grabbed up a rubber duckie in her teeth and barrelled out of the room. As the mother gave chase, the missing toys began to make sense. Once she caught up to Woof, the bath toy was no longer in her jaws. The woman immediately rushed the dog to the vet where an x-ray revealed not one, not two, but five rubber duckies lodged inside the doggys tummy, as well as one toy truck. Several pieces of digested toys were also removed and Woof went on to make a full recovery. \r
1 - Tattooed Arm\r
In 1935, off the coast of Australia, a tiger shark was captured and sent to the Coogee Aquarium Baths to be put on public display. In less than a week, it became apparent that something was horribly wrong with the newly caught tiger shark. The shark began vomiting, and there, left floating inside the pool was a tattooed forearm of a full grown man. Under further examination, specialists uncovered that the tiger shark had ually eaten a smaller shark, which had swallowed the human arm. Fingerprints lifted from the severed appendage identified the owner as a former boxer turned small-time criminal, James Smith, who had been missing for several months. The arm had been cut off with a knife, this led to a full-scale murder investigation. This case of the missing limb sent the police through all kinds of shady back dealings, smugglers, blackmail, insurance scams, racketeering, all kinds of seedy charers led authorities to two men, Reginald William Lloyd Holmes and Patrick Brady. Holmes at first denied everything, but after a botched boat chase attempting to escape police, agreed to cooperate, he was found dead in his car not long after, he had been shot three times at close range. Brady was then arrested for both murders, but due to lack of evidence was acquitted of all charges. The shark arm case has gone on to be one of Australias most sensational murder mysteries.

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