Embody Chair Adjustments | Low priced Embody Chair Adjustments

By : reedbqbvp

Published On: 2013-04-04



http://tinyurl.com/aejyakt | Embody Chair Adjustments | Low priced Embody Chair Adjustments - What do we do every day? We sit. We sit in the office and at home. Staring at our computer screens moving nothing but our fingers. We get stiff and tired. Because sitting is bad for you. Embody is good for you. An agile chair that keeps your body and brain limber all day. Designed specifically for people who work for hours at computers, Embody is the first work chair that benefits both mind and body. Embody's function is part of its aesthetic. From the back, you see the technology; from the front, you see organic shapes and curves. Embody's textiles add warmth, more like a skin than a covering. By design the textiles are meant to enhance, not cover up this innovative chair. The fabrication has "loft" for a cushy feel and to allow light and air pass through keeping you cool. Colors pair with two frame colors and three base colors to simplify choice and appeal to universal tastes. See the form, feel the function. - Embody Chair Adjustments | Low priced Embody Chair Adjustments | http://tinyurl.com/aejyakt

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