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Total Videos: 252

Also check:<br /><br />'The way we really are, which is an organism in terms of the whole environment, with the whole environment, in stead of this funny little separate personality. But how are we going to do that? People say, you can't change human nature overnight, you're asking us to give up the Ego and that's the most difficult of all things to do. <br />Actually it isn't. Because the Ego doesn't exist, but of course if you try to give up your Ego wíth your Ego, then it'll take you til the end of time. Because this is the point you transform yourself, can't make yourself change, you can't make yourself sane, can't make yourself loving, you can't make yourself unselfish. And yet it's absolutely necessary that we do that way. It's absolutely necessary!'<br />- Alan Watts 1971 -


UBUNTU By Michael Tellinger No Money = Optimal Life

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Ken O'Keefe's Middle East Show [The People's Voice]

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JFK and the Untold History of Oliver Stone

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Full Dr Caper interview [Ryan Dawson]

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Venezuela troops seize shops over high prices [AlJazeera]

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Full Mike Rivero Interview [Ryan Dawson]

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TechnoCalypse [Full Documentary © 2013 Frank Theys]

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Gog And Magog - The Crusaders

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Kerry let's the cat out of the bag

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▶'In Google We Trust' [JourneymanTV]

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Maidhc on the Westgate attack [Ryan Dawson]

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Hidden Messages in New $100 Dollar Bill [Paul Joseph Watson]

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[David Icke] Perception Deception [Trailer]

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'The Matrix / NWO Agenda' [Whistleblower Wake Up Call]

Uploaded: October 13, 2013 Views: 7
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