Gog And Magog - The Crusaders

Gog And Magog - The Crusaders

br One people today totally dominate and control the entire world, its politics, economy, culture, news, sports, entertainment, fashions, travel, etc. They possess absolute power that no possible combination of rivals can now challenge. Moreover, there is no secular evidence to suggest that their powerful grip over the whole world can ever be successfully challenged. They do much more than control the world. They change, unfold and reinvent themselves, and then change the world as well, until it becomes their carbon copy. They have broken down all the barriers that have for ages separated people from each other, and a single global society has emerged for the first time in human history with a single language, English. They are the Judeo-Christian Euro-world-order (i.e., modern secular western civilization), and they are an absolutely unique phenomenon in history. br They are an ominous ‘world-order’, ominous for Arabs and Muslims in particular, and for non-Europeans in general. But even those European people who would live lives of piety, faith and righteousness are not spared. The ‘world-order’ wages relentless war on the religious way of life in general, and on Islam in particular. They use their absolute power to corrupt, to oppress, and to engage in acts of injustice and wickedness with no parallel in history. br Jewish Christian ‘white’ war crimes now inflicted on Arab Muslim Iraq are but a continuation of ‘white’ apartheid inflicted on black Christian Africa. Their greed is indescribable. They suck the wealth of all of mankind through legalized theft, and they even take from the poor the little that they possess. Eventually they imprison all of mankind in a new economic slavery. They are essentially godless and amazingly decadent, and possess such powers of deception that ‘appearance’ and ‘reality’ are always opposite to each other in everything they do. br br Finally, they are a world-order that is strangely and mysteriously obsessed with liberating the Holy Land. Europe became Christian and then waged ‘white’ Holy Wars called ‘the crusades’ for a thousand years until success was finally achieved when a British army, led by General Allenby, defeated the Ottoman Islamic Empire’s army and triumphantly entered Jerusalem in 1917. Allenby then declared “today the crusades have ended”. In fact the crusades will not end so long as Muslims resist oppression in the Holy Land.

User: KnewTube

Views: 8

Uploaded: 2013-11-04

Duration: 27:28

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