SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Lease trouble for two 1st year college students?

By : Billieblockyty

Published On: 2013-11-24



Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Lease trouble for two 1st year college students? - Me and my friend both signed a lease for a 3 bedroom apartment and our other friend was suppose to live with us but backed out. We don't know what to do we have looked for other roommates but can't find anyone because it is a pretty expensive place. We have tried to find someone else to takeover the lease but can't find anyone even when we offered money to those who took it. I know its our fault for signing the lease without our other friend there but what can we do? Me and my friend are both 18 in our first year of college and can't afford the place on our own. My one friend is afraid of bankruptcy if we can't take care of this. We gave them a notice of our problem but they didn't help us. We haven't given any bank info and the lease doesn't start for another 2 months. What can we do? -

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