Tutorial- How To Draw A Meadow Cartoon Background Scene With Paint.net

By : VidFling

Published On: 2015-03-04




I love drawing my own cartoon backgrounds for video. I use free software called Paint.net to do my backgrounds. Let me show you how.

There are a couple of things I love about drawing cartoon videos. First, you don't need to have any drawing or cartoon experience. In fact, I draw almost exclusively using the shapes tool. It is a very rare day indeed that I actually draw something freehand. In fact I have a draw pad I've only used a few times!

The other great thing about cartoons is that you don't have to follow any rules regarding colors or perspective. Cartoons are all about personality and preference. For explainer videos you want your background to help tell your story, but usually don't want so much detail that it distracts from the message.

So let's get started

1. Open paint.net and click "file" "new" and create a canvas sized 1280 wide by 720 tall and a resolution of 300 ppi.I chose 1280 by 720 because that is the optimal size for my current version of Explaindio

2. Draw the sky- click "tool" "shapes" then choose the basic rectangle and in fill mode, choose "draw a filled shape"

3. Choose the color for your sky.

3. Position cursor at top left corner and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the cursor to the bottom right, coloring your canvas blue. Then click outside the canvas to deselect.

4. Draw the grass- choose your color – then following the steps above, draw 3 elipses at the bottom of the canvas to make hills.

5. Draw the sun- choose the color. Following the steps above draw a circle and position your sun. Note: Holding down the shift key while drawing any shape will give you a perfectly shaped circle (or square etc)

5. Draw the clouds- choose your color. Following the steps above, draw adjoining white circles to form clouds.

Add your own sheep!

Save your drawing as a PNG file to be used as a cartoon background for videos.

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