How Are Bacterial Infections of the Prostate Treated?

By : Balanced Health Today

Published On: 2017-04-03



Antibiotics are the main course of treatment for this condition. They’re usually taken for four to six weeks. However, because the infection can return, you may need to take antibiotics for 12 weeks or longer. Your doctor will schedule a follow-up exam once you’ve finished treatment to ensure that the infection is completely gone.

It may take six months to a year for symptoms to go away completely. In the meantime, certain home remedies may be able to ease your symptoms. Home remedies include:

* warm baths
* drinking 64 to 128 ounces of water per day
* using stool softeners to avoid constipation
* avoiding alcohol, caffeine, citrus juices, and hot and spicy food
* medications to treat pain

You may need additional treatment in the following rare cases:

* If you’re unable to urinate, a healthcare provider will insert a tube called a catheter to empty your bladder.
* If you have an abscess, your doctor will drain it.
* If you develop sepsis, you’ll get intensive antibiotic therapy and you’ll need to stay in the hospital for treatment.
* If you have stones, or mineral deposits, in your prostate, your doctor may need to remove your prostate. This is very rare.

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