Macaronuts, the donut macarons

By : Nusasafa

Published On: 2017-09-15



Today we are making some Donut Macarons!\r
Unfortunately I havent been lucky enough to try the REAL Macaronut that has the donut base and the macaron shell on top, so we are simply going to make donut shape macarons simply because donuts are cute and macarons are delicious so this should be the perfect combination. \r
Macaron shells\r
caster sugar 30g\r
egg white 30g\r
almond powder 35g\r
powdered sugar 30g\r
cocoa powder 5g (to fake the donut like color)\r
↓Chocolate ganache recipe here↓\r
Mix the sifted almond powder, sifted powdered sugar, and sifted coca powder together and set aside.\r
Mix the egg white at low speed and gradually increase the speed. When it becomes foamy add 1/3 or 1/4 of the caster sugar and continue mixing for a few minutes and keep gradually adding the caster sugar \r
When you get a stiff peak and the meringue doesnt fall when you put the bowl upside down, you can stop mixing.\r
Add the powders (almond and sugar) to the meringue and with a spatula fold the batter and flatten. When the powders are incorporated to the meringue, create a flower shape with your batter and then with your spatula go around the edge back to the center. You want to repeat these step a few times until the batter falls from the spatula very slowly creating a ribbon shape.\r
Put in a pastry bag and secure. On a parchment paper squeeze your pastry bag until you get the desired shape and size.\r
Allow the macarons to dry for 20 to 30 minutes. If the macaron doesnt stick to your finger when you touch it you can move to the next step and put your macarons in a preheated oven. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 140℃.\r
When its done baking put out of the oven and let it cool down.\r
Add the chocolate ganache and let it rest in the fridge.\r
For the decoration :\r
powdered sugar and a tiny bit of milk for the icing.\r
I have used 4 different colors: brown, white, pink and red.\r
I have also some caramel crunch, chocolate crunch and some colorful sprinkles.\r
When it comes to decorating your macaronuts, the only rule is to get creative and most importantly have fun!\r
Please share your pictures of you macaronuts using the hashtag #Alisatokyo\r

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