How To Create An Abstr Acrylic Painting Using A Simple Technique

By : Kristincorrie28

Published On: 2017-10-03



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Full lesson details:\r
Video Transcript:\r
Hi, its Ethan here and in this lesson, youre going to learn how to use a simple painting technique to create a beautiful abstr painting.\r
In the previous lesson, we went over how to use a simple acrylic painting technique to mix paint and create interesting effects. And now we are going to use that very same technique to create a complete abstr painting.\r
You can watch the last lesson here: \r
Painting Materials\r
For this painting, we are going to be using:\r
– a 16 x 20 inch painting canvas\r
– some masking or painters tape\r
– a palette knife\r
– blue and red acrylic paint\r
– acrylic glazing medium\r
– and a couple of painting brushes\r
Step 1 – Prepare the Canvas\r
The first step is to divide the canvas into equal squares using the painters tape. You might have to do a little bit of math here to make sure that all the squares are the same size and that they are even placed.\r
For this canvas, I divided it into a 4 x 3 grid so we have 12 square in total.\r
Step 2 – Plan Out the Concept\r
Now that we have the canvas prepped, lets talk about the concept for the painting. \r
Because abstr art can be very vague and nebulous, its important to plan out what you are going to do so that youre not running around once the paint is on the canvas.\r
For this painting, the idea is to create a “yin-yang” style merging of two colors, red and blue. The cool color (blue) will be on top and the warm color (red) will be on the bottom. The will come together and merge along the diagonal of the canvas.\r
Thats the idea anyway. Lets see how the painting turns out :-)\r
Step 3 – Establish the Red & Blue Corner\r
Ok, now its time to put brush to canvas. First I will establish the red corner.\r
Ill use my palette knife to put some red paint in the lower right corner square. This will be where the red original from so we will make sure to angle the paint towards the center of the canvas.\r
Next, add some glaze medium to the mix and then lightly blend them out with the brush. Be sure to use a VERY light touch with the brush so that you dont over blend the paint.\r
Then well do that same for the blue corner.\r
Remember to use a clean brush when switching colors. We dont want to two colors to mix just yet.\r
This time, Ill use a more fluid brush stroke and use the sharp edge of the brush to create some thinner lines.\r
Step 4 – Adding Paint to the Other Squares\r
Now, we are going to go back and add red paints to the squares adjacent to the red corner.\r
The only difference is, now we are going to add more glaze medium to the mix to lighten the paint and make it spread more smoothly.\r
The idea is that the further we get from the source, the lighter the paint becomes.\r
Also, I will also be using my palette knife to blend the paint this time. I find that the palette knife ually makes for a great blending tool because it creates a nice texture, but doesnt over blend the paint.\r
And once were done with the red side, well repeat the process on the blue side:\r
Step 5 – Creating the Transition\r
To create the transition, Im will use my palette knife and drag the paint into each others territory. So Ill carry some of the red into the blue area and vice versa.\r
To finish it off, Ill also add some tiny bit of white paint along the diagonal transition to add some visual interest.\r
And thats it! \r
Play around with your own idea and concept and see what you come up with.\r
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