Whammy bar tricks - Lee Wrathe

By : Mula

Published On: 2017-12-23



Dive bombs, trem gargles, talky guitar and some other tricks to try if you have a floating tremolo/Floyd rose.\r
I made this video in answer to a Facebook page request.\r
Subscribe for more guitar videos here \r
The tone is a GT100 directly to a V-Studio 20 soundcard. The Ibanez is a ltd edition RG08 fitted with Dimarzio Evos, strings used (as always) Daddario guage 009-042. Simples!\r
Hope you like it, and if you do let me know\r
Best wishes \r
say hello to me on Facebook and request your own video here ..\r
Check out my instrumentals here if you like\r
and definitely visit Roland UK ..here! To find out more about the GT100\r