12 Scariest Looking Animals

By : Laxufujeya

Published On: 2018-03-27



Here are the most terrifying animals we could find like the monster like Mata Mata turtle and the very scary parasitic Lamprey Eel.\r
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# 6 Mata Mata\r
The Mata Mata are a monstrous looking turtle from the Amazon of South America. They have freaky looking shells and scales which earned then names like “needle nose” and “leaf head” but theyre name Mata Mata ually translates to “kill, kill” and might be a reference to their uncanny appearance. These creepy looking mutant turtles have necks that are ually too long for its body, and they cant tuck their head into their shell like most other turtles do. They can however, have most of their body submerged in water and stand at the bottom of lakes or ponds and stick their necks out for air, like some kind of weird sea-giraffe. Theyre the only extant species in their genus, so luckily for us theres not too many of these weird lookin turtles around. \r
# 5 Naked Mole Rat\r
The Naked Mole rat is pretty much exly as gross as it sounds. They are hairless rodents that burrow and live in large tunnel colonies below the ground. They dont need hair because they spend most of their days underground, hiding from the heat of the East African Sun. They keep warm by swarming near other and a single one of their colonies can have anywhere between 20 and 300 mole-rats. Speaking of colonies, they live in huge families that are pretty similar structurally to an ant colony. They have one queen and a bunch of other rats that do different work. Basically, theyre like bugs but warm-blooded and fleshy. Stepping into a colony of aggressive ants might ually be preferable to accidentally uncovering 300 of these things piled up on each other.\r
# 4 Lamprey Eel\r
The Lamprey Eel is a parasitic and extremely gross looking fish native to the Atlantic Ocean. You might notice they have a very distinct looking mouth. They have several rows of sharp teeth circling their mouth and a sharp alien-esque tongue that they use to latch onto fish and never let go. They drain fishes completely of their blood and body fluids until they die and then move onto their next meal. Because of how uncomfortable their mouth makes pretty much everyone feel, some pranksters started photoshopping their mouths onto human body parts and got people to believe it was a disease. The “Lamprey Disease” was a hoax that spread in the late 2000s and is still used as a shock image to get a reion from people. We cant really blame them, like, look at how gross those mouths are.\r
# 3 Sarcastic Fringehead\r
The Sarcastic Fringehead is an extremely aggressive fish that is native to the Pacific Coast of North America. They only look mildly terrifying when theyre unthreatened. They mostly live in a crevice or hole of a rock or piece of debris on the seafloor and stick their head out of it to keep watch. However if they feel even vaguely intruded upon theyll start emitting a warning click noise with their mouth. If their little alarm is ignored theyll go full on assault and open their huge mouth flaps and start doing a pre-attack dance before they bite onto the intruder. (Or in the case of another fringehead intruding on them theyll engage in weird mouth wrestling). Who knew the Predator was lurking around on the West Coast in an underwater cave this whole time?\r
# 2 Atretochoana eiselti\r
No, this isnt a picture of Justin Biebers leaked nudes, its a snake called Atretochoana Eiselti. The Atretochoana eiselti is a species of blind snake that was first found at the bottom of the Madeira river in Brazil. I would use its colloquial name but it kind of creeps onto NSFW content. You can probably guess what it is. Anyway, this rare and sightless snake might look like a creepy monsters from the edge of the galaxy / depths of the dark internet but its a rare and exciting find for scientists everywhere. To us though, it just looks somewhere between “Gross” and “horrifying”. \r
# 1 Blobfish\r
The Blobfish is an appropriately named fish that lives in the deeps at the bottom of the ocean. Its blobby slimeball flesh is ually an evolutionary adaptation that allows it to stay buoyant in the extreme pressures of the ocean deep. However, up here in normal land it just looks like someone tried to artificially make a human and failed very, very, miserably. This freaky blob of a fish honestly just looks like a semi-melted human head. Its hard to imagine this thing moving around and eating - in f Id rather not have that visual in my head.

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