15 Creepiest Things People Wore on Halloween

By : laquitajoy6533

Published On: 2018-05-30



Halloween is that special occasion to create terrifying and incredible costumes and be someone or something else for a night\r
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10. Cookies and Milk\r
Okay so this wasnt as elaborate as the others but it sure is cute. Okay maybe its not even that cute and Im just starving, but I mean look at how happy Mariah and Nick look. Who knew that underneath those genuine looking smiles, there was a genuine distaste for one another brewing? I sure as didnt, but I always wondered how Nick got Mariah? Like how Jay-Z got Beyonce? These powerful women could have anyone. ANYONE. Was that too shady? Nope.\r
9. Major Headache\r
Woah, chill out. This next one isnt worth losing your head over. This is ually just one of those optical illusion costumes that make you do a double-take and say wtf?? Pretty basic and what not, but still highly effective. 10/10 would recommend for creeping out small children and your local senior citizens.maybe not the last one. You dont want to give them a heart attack.\r
8. Audrey Hepburn\r
Most people love the classic film Breakfast at Tiffanys, which I have never seen. But I do recognize its main star Audrey Hepburn and this person has given her a makeover thats to die for. This zombie Hepburn is seriously creepy and I wouldnt recommend sitting down for a meal with her considering shed be doing most of the eating….\r
7. Poison Ivy\r
Somebody get the weed killer.just kidding. Whether or not youre a fan of Kim Kardashian you have to admit that she killed this recreated Poison Ivy look. I mean look at her, she is the ethereal plant princess brought to life. Girl, you know Kanye whacked his weed to this look.\r
6. Colton Haynes\r
Another celebrity that makes our list is the muscle-y Colton Haynes. The reason I say muscle-y is because thats what makes his costumes so much better. Like his new costume when he dressed up as Princess Fiona from Shrek in her full on ogre form. Haynes body type would be considered the definition of “masculine” but dressing up as a princess means hes secure enough in his masculinity to not be bothered by the haters. You keep doing you boo!\r
5. Heidi Klum\r
Okay, lets be real. Heidi Klum has the best Halloween costumes, minus that Kali costume because just no…. Anyways, back in new, Heidi came out and slayed us all with this savage anatomy look that topped everyone elses. This was two years before Attack on Titan came out and collectively destroyed us, but Heidi was ahead of the game as always and this was probably where she got her inspiration. Who knows?\r
4. Landstrider\r
Picture this.its late and youre walking home from a night out with your friends and youve had a couple of drinks and youre stumbling.unless youre underage then youre just walking home perfectly fine. You turn the corner and there you see it, this hideous monster staring right back at you. You try to scream but you cant, your legs lock and youre paralyzed with fear. You close your eyes and wait for the sweet relief of death but it doesnt come so you open your eyes and then you realize this was just a girl in her truly terrifying Halloween costume. Yup, youtuber GeneralTampon created this get up when she got the inspiration from Jim Hensons 1982 , The Dark Crystal.\r
3. Fast Forward\r
Guess whos back. Yup Heidi Klum. You know what? Im not even sorry because she is a gift to us mere mortals, okay? Shes so beautiful its hard to imagine what she would even look like when shes older. Well, she totally solved that problem for you guys. Time has not been kind to you Heidi, I mean what happened to you? Was it the divorce, was it the show, or the constant pressure that society sets for older women? Well, like she always says “one minute you are in and the next you are out”.\r
2. Colton Haynes. Again\r
You know what? At this point, someone should just make a petition to have Colton Haynes and Heidi Klum nominated for Halloween royalty. Honestly, these two are just on another level us common folk cant even dream of achieving. Look at this stunning transformation of Colton for his Halloween costume this past year. He went as freaking Ursula the sea witch from The Little Mermaid.like I cant even. Ugh, my poor unfortunate soul…\r
1.Jessica Rabbit\r
Oh dont be so surprised.of course, Heidi Klum was going to make this list again. Duh, shes the “Queen of Halloween”. But seriously, this iconic Jessica Rabbit costume from her new Halloween party is EVERYTHING. This entire look took a staggering 10 hours to complete, considering she had to get major prosthetics, makeup, and hair all completed, shes a trooper. Which all paid off when she snatched everyones wigs

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