Speed dating brooklyn

By : unarsiotram

Published On: 2018-07-24



➡ ♥♥♥ Link: http://unarsiotram.hotelsvr.ru/?dt&keyword=Speed+dating+brooklyn&source=dailymotion

Over the course of the evening I cycled through five potential mates, one for each of my senses. With the first man, I had a conversation. We leaned in close and I tried to take note of the cadence and lilt of his voice as he told me about the dystopian novel he was writing. The second man and I touched faces, then at his request we pushed and pulled on each other's hands because it reminded him of salsa dancing. I fed the third man a banana. I sniffed the fourth man's armpits after we did a series of jumping jacks. For the fifth man, I took my blindfold off and we stared into each other's eyes for a long minute. About 40 of us were gathered in the basement of the Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn. We were there for a night of organized by , a London- and New York-based group that creates pop-up science events and installations. The speed dating worked like this: Male participants sat blindfolded at tables set up around the room. With the help of a guide, the blindfolded women rotated around, engaging with a different man for each activity. At the end of every round, people could mark down on a sheet whether they would be open to going on a date with the person they just interacted with. After the event, the organizers would look for matches and connect people who expressed mutual interest in each other. In between rounds of touching and tasting, we learned science from , a neuroscientist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and host of the Discovery Channel series Superhuman Showdown. Sensory speed dating hopefully gives people the opportunity to engage in behaviors they normally feel they can't This extends to our romantic preferences, according to Berlin. Cues like the sound of other people's voices, how they smell, and how they move their bodies all dictate our attractions. Guerilla Science's event follows on the heels of the trendy , in which participants bring sweaty T-shirts they've slept in for three days, throw their shirts in anonymous bags, and then go around sniffing those bags to find possible mates. Sensory speed dating riffs off the same idea, but it goes beyond just smell, integrating all five basic senses. Unconscious processes govern our feelings and decisions, perhaps more so than we'd like to admit, Berlin told us. As an example of how touch can prime our reactions to people, she told us about studies like from 2008: 41 Yale undergrads showed up at the university's psychology building expecting to participate in a research study on the fourth floor. A hired research assistant escorted the participants up the elevator one by one. Each time she casually asked the student the hold her coffee cup while she recorded some information. Half of the time her cup held hot coffee and half of the time it held iced coffee. Later the researchers behind the study concluded that cup temperatures possibly influenced how participants per

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