What is a Dental Implant? Dr Sanchaita Kohli



What is a Dental Implant?
Placing a dental implant is the most advanced and successful way to replace natural teeth. The implant itself is a metallic device that is surgically placed inside the tooth socket or the jaw bone, and eventually, it supports a tooth crown on top of it. This entire implant crown unit feels, looks, and functions like a natural tooth. Similar to a natural tooth, the implant structure is embedded in the bone and takes support from the bone itself.

How to prepare for dental implant surgery?
In most cases, dental implants can be placed immediately after you get your tooth removed, and once the implant has fused with the bone, we can place the tooth crown. In some cases, there is not enough bone inside to accommodate an implant; in such cases, we first need to build the bone height and width before the implant can be placed with bone grafting. After the bone heals, a few weeks later, we can place the implant. If you have multiple teeth that need to be replaced, the implant surgery requires planning to make sure that we place as few implants as possible. For an implant to be successful, we need to take care of any medical conditions that can affect wound healing or bone healing, like uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and smoking, leading to implant failure.


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